
Inside Omega

“Lene” got a new start

Published: 18.01.11 (Updated: 13.12.11)

To understand how the Omega team is helping the children of parents with substance abuse problems by partnering with Blå Kors’ "Kompasset" project, we would like to introduce you to “Lene”, one of the first Kompasset users in Norway.

“Lene”, one of the first TUBA users in Norway.

With Kompasset's help, "Lene" can look forward to a brighter future. (Photo: Blå Kors Norge)

“My backpack still represents a heavy burden, but I have become stronger,” says Lene.

“I feel like walking across Torgalmenningen (a main city square in Bergen) with a big poster, that reads: If you need help, call Kompasset.”

In September 2009, someone told Lene about two psychologists that had started something with the odd name of Kompasset in Bergen. Lene contacted these people, and has stayed in touch with them ever since.

“In this chair, here in Beate’s office, I have cried buckets of tears. At least it feels like I have. ‘Props’ to Beate, she really knows how to listen - and talk. She seems to read me like an open book. She has spent hours telling me it was not my fault that my mother drank. September of last year I hated myself. I did not deserve anything, not even food. I was very strict with myself,” says Lene.

Beate Bø, activity manager at Kompasset Bergen, worked hard to ensure that Lene looked at herself and others with new and realistic eyes. She emphasised that she, and her siblings, were not to blame.

At the age of 16, Lene hit rock bottom; she left school, and went to bed feeling exhausted. Lene also became angry and aggressive, states that affected the little sister she loved so much. Her mother should have understood that something was wrong, but she didn’t. Child services had been involved at an earlier stage, but as Lene explains:

“Children in circumstances like these are loyal. We were ashamed, and did not want anybody to know.”

In retrospect, she feels that both the school and child services should have “exposed” them. At least, in her opinion, someone should feel bad about the fact that they were overlooked.

“I know the damage that alcohol can inflict, and my children will never experience this. It is a lesson I have learned all too well,” says Lene.

She has become a different girl over the past year, but admits there are still many dark days. Her “backpack” is still full, but her own strength is increasing. It seems her older brother is struggling even more than she is, and Lene admits to being worried about him. Her younger sister has taken big sister’s advice, and is now also receiving counselling at Kompasset Bergen.

“I find it strange that this is a new service. There are many of us who need this,” says Lene.

Omega’s support of Kompasset

In 2009, the Omega team made a decision to forego future Christmas presents from the company and to instead donate the associated funds to a community project. Our current community project partner is Blå Kors’ Kompasset project, which we are supporting with a donation of one million NOK over a three-year period. The TUBA project was selected for its impassioned work in improving the lives of the children of parents with substance abuse issues, right here in Norway.

Thanks to Omega

Blå Kors Norge thanks Omega AS for its great support of our Kompasset work in 2010. It is much appreciated.

With kind regards,
Sigrun Ryan Degnes
Acting Secretary General