Past Team Events

Inside Omega

Svalbard Teambuilding

Svalbard is a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Located on top of the world, it offers untouched and raw arctic wilderness.

Join Omega 365 on an incredible adventure to majestic Svalbard!

We will be arriving Friday 18 February. Our home for the stay is Radisson Blu Polar, which is located in the administrative center of Svalbard, Longyearbyen. The arrival will be followed by lunch before heading to Svalbard Bryggeri for a beer-tasting. In the evening we gather for dinner at the hotel.

On Saturday, there will be an excursion including lunch, followed by snowmobile trips in Tempelfjorden and Barentsburg. At the end of the day, we will be having dinner together at the Funktionærmessen Restaurant.

Sunday will be a day at your own disposal. You can explore the city further before we return home. If you are looking for the perfect combination of nature and urban life, Svalbard is definitely the spot for you! 

What is an Advantage Team Event?

Omega 365’s Advantage Team Events give you have access to travel experiences tailored to suit your preferences. You can travel alone or bring a guest and you will have the chance to meet colleagues from various Omega 365 locations and subsidiaries. We ensure that there is a varied and attractive program of food, activities, and experiences on offer, and as one of our participants you can choose how many activities you wish to partake in and adjust the program to suit your preferences.

Advantage Team Events are available to everyone in Omega 365! Simply ensure you have a positive balance in your Advantage Account and you will be able to sign up for a Team Event!

Do you have questions about Advantage Team Events? Check out our Team Events FAQ.

Learn more about Omega 365’s Advantage program