Past Team Events

Inside Omega

Iceland Teambuilding

Beautiful nature and hot springs await!

Team Event Review

The teambuilding to Iceland gave the participants many experiences and impressions. The weekend was characterized by beautiful weather, nice travel companions, and many happy faces!

The Iceland teambuilding summed up:

  • Interesting and unique nature
  • Good hotel, very nice chauffeur and guide
  • Nice excursions and activities
  • And last but not least, excellent food!

The participants have mentioned that the trip was pleasant and relaxing with a nice balance between organized activities and time on your own.

Several mentioned that they were a little disappointed that the Blue Lagoon was closed for renovation at this time, however, Sky Lagoon turned out to be a fantastic alternative!

"Only positive feedback! Well planned and very nice trip, above all expectations." — Lena Kåsin, Team Event participant

Team Event Details

Iceland is a republic located on an island in the North Atlantic, just south of the Arctic Circle. The country has about 330.000 inhabitants, of which about 2/3 live in the capital, Reykjavik, and the surrounding area. Iceland is at the center of the intersection of the North American and Eurasian continental plates, and also above a heating point. This makes the island volcanic and geologically active, which has fascinated visitors for years.

The capital city of Reykjavik is full of contrasts. International influence mixed with Icelandic traditions will give every visitor a memorable experience.

Upon arrival we drive directly to the Blue Lagoon for lunch at the Lava Restaurant, unfortunately the lagoon is closed for maintenance in April and we can not go swimming there. We will continue on after lunch to the Sky Lagoon — A geothermal lagoon with a fantastic view over the ocean. It has a great sauna with a 7 step Spa ritual which makes the stay there unique.

On Saturday morning we will meet the guides for the adventure of the day. Those who wish to join get to explore some beautiful places, like Thingvellir, the national park. Together we will enjoy a BBQ lunch before we move on to Gullfoss (Golden Falls), one of Iceland’s most iconic and beloved waterfalls.

Saturday night there will be arranged a dinner at the unique Harpa Concert Hall, located in the center of Reykjavik.

What is an Advantage Team Event?

Omega 365’s Advantage Team Events give you have access to travel experiences tailored to suit your preferences. You can travel alone or bring a guest and you will have the chance to meet colleagues from various Omega 365 locations and subsidiaries. We ensure that there is a varied and attractive program of food, activities, and experiences on offer, and as one of our participants you can choose how many activities you wish to partake in and adjust the program to suit your preferences.

Advantage Team Events are available to everyone in Omega 365! Simply ensure you have a positive balance in your Advantage Account and you will be able to sign up for a Team Event!

Do you have questions about Advantage Team Events? Check out our Team Events FAQ.

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