
Inside Omega

The Omega story on TV

Published: 04.07.11 (Updated: 26.08.11)

The success story of a once small computer company in Ølensvåg, now with more than 800 employees worldwide, makes for good tv. See Omega featured on NRK.

TV cameras and reporters were present during Omega`s recent 800 employee celebration and as Statoil awarded Omega the new three year frame agreement. Reporters in NRK`s regional office in Rogaland had set their eyes on Ølensvåg, and the success story of Omega. The reporter team from Stavanger spent the day filming and interviewing in our head office 16 June.

"The recipe for success"

Omega-entrepreneur Sigmund Lunde`s success story was featured on television 1 July.

"Sigmund Lunde is the entrepreneur that 25 years ago quit his job at Haugesund Mechanical to build his own computer company in his hometown. After a couple of slow years in the beginning, Lunde and his colleagues found the right prescription. Today Omega is a company of expertise, capable of contributing to the entire energy specter; Oil and gas, windmills and hydropower, and construction as a side branch."

This is how NRK introduces Omega to viewers before showing them the Ølensvåg office guided by Lunde.

"We used to dream about what Omega could become, but it has become so much more than what we dreamt. It does not necessarily have to become like that in the future. We do not have many big plans, bur enjoy every day and have fun working," says Lunde.

He gets much praise from Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) Director Hallvard Ween who comments on the Omega-story in studio.

"Omega succeeded because someone like Lunde has got both the technical expertise, the interest, and the know-how of hiring people. This is the recipe for success. He is a prototype of the modern entrepreneur, who depends on getting people on the team and making the company a good place for its employees," says Ween.