
Inside Omega

Omega Design welcomes new designer

Linn-Henny Andersen combines joyful creativity with technical interests. The talented designer is now part of the Omega Design team.

“I like people and am often inspired by physical meetings and networking" says Linn-Henny Andersen. 


Linn-Henny has always had an interest in drawing, shapes, and understanding how aesthetics can be combined with technical solutions. As a little girl, her drawing pad was never far away, and she still remembers how she explored Windows 95 at the beginning of the digital journey.

“I made animated films and thought it was great to learn new things. Early on I learned to love the junction between graphic design and the digital surfaces - it’s very exciting,” says Linn Henny. 

She emphasizes that being able to listen to the client’s needs and solve their challenges is one of the most important things to think about as a designer.

“It’s important to keep up with the professional development in the industry,” the designer states. 

“If you want to be able to provide quality products, you must be up to date. It’s only a few years since we did not see the interconnection between design expression and technical development, now it is only natural that the two disciplines belong together,” says Linn-Henny.

Varied workday

Even though she is only 31, she has already gained a lot of professional experience. After graduating as a graphic designer in 2011, she has worked as a teacher in addition to running her own freelance company as a designer. Since 2017, she has worked as Marketing Coordinator and Online Manager for the shoe store chain, Mani.

“At Mani I had the chance to work with many different channels; I coordinated content for social media and also worked on developing the website. I like to work within a broad range of communication areas, and measure which strategies provide good results.

“I am a person that likes statistics. Most things can be measured,” says Linn-Henny and laughs. She is well aware that measuring tactics and following up on results provides extra value for clients.

Finding the particular form of expression that a company needs in its communication is one of the joys of the job. It often takes time to build a unique brand, but it's worth it, she says. Difficult and complex messages are often presented simply and cleanly when the designer has sat down with ideas and a drawing pad. Linn-Henny appreciates a varied workday and likes that the work tasks vary from visual profiles, to brand building, and website development.

“A good website is very important for a business. Even if you are strong on social media, you need a landing page where you can easily find out what the company can offer. Content is important to have in place, many people think that they can fix it themselves, but it is often a good idea to get assistance with that job.”

The good idea

“I like people and am often inspired by physical meetings and networking. Professional networks can stimulate us to develop professionally and meet talented people. You can learn a lot from just being together with others,” she says.

Linn-Henny also finds creativity and new ideas during her hours of cooking, or preferably, hiking. It’s about finding the space to breathe, where she can let her thoughts flow freely.

“The good idea can be the most important thing that comes up in a project, many of the other things fall into place when the idea is ready.”