
Inside Omega

Whistleblowing in Omega

Blameworthy conditions in the work place should always be notified, and Omega's policy for whistleblowing will ensure proper proceedings and follow-up.  

In situations where giving notice of blameworthy conditions via the usual reporting channels is not an alternative, employees should always have the opportunity to notify via a secure channel to the company. Omega has an email address for whistleblowing which is

"It is important to report about situations, happenings and discoveries that do not comply with Omega's policy for  employees for the Working Environment Act or is important for Omega's continued development in the right direction," explains QA Manager in Omega, Karina Hovden Stava. "These whistleblowing rutines will also be available in cases where an employee from Omega is on assignment with one of our clients and experiences a situation where it would be right to blow the whistle."  

What is whistleblowing?

To report about blameworthy conditions in the workplace to someone who can take action on it. Blameworthy conditions could be breaches on laws and regulations, the company's policies or what in common sense is seen as being in conflict with what is appropriate or ethically unacceptable. Employees and consultants have a statutory right to report about blameworthy conditions.   

Omega wants the company to have a culture for open discussion and urges employees to use the right to report is they discover blameworthy conditions in the workplace. 

The channel for whistleblowing in Omega is the email address

Examples of situations that can be reported via this channel is:  

  • Breaches of security and security routines  
  • Breaches of Omega's ethical policy
  • Bullying, harassment or discrimination 
  • Abuse of drugs
  • Breaches of the competition laws
  • Breaches of the environment laws 
  • Corruption, scams, or other economical irregularities  

See Omega's policy for whistleblowing.

Issues that are reported via are directly sent to Omega's CEO which handles the issue further. Stava emphasizes that the whistleblower's identity is kept anonymous and will be protected from the consequences of whistleblowing.

CEO in Omega, Petter Aalvik, adds:

"Blameworthy conditions should not have the space to develop.  Blowing the whistle early on, will in many issues be crucial to prevent the case of escalating. We want to cultivate a work environment where it feels safe to openly discuss what is and is not acceptable. In the event where open discussion and normal reporting through the line is not the right course of action, we have the secure channel available.

What are Omega's routines for whistleblowing?

Issues that are reported via are directly sendt to Omega's CEO which handles the issue further. The whistleblower is protected against conseqences for whistleblowing and appropriate procedures for keeping the identity of the whistleblower hidden are in place.  

Omega's policy for whistleblowing is available on InsideOmega, and explains what cases one can and should report via the email address, and also the routines that follow with whistleblowing.      

"Each and everyone of us has the responsibility to take care of our reputation and working environment. We want to ensure a safe and open work place that sparks a good work ethic and personal development in line with Omega's core values and ethical guidelines, says Aalvik.  

Normally, issues such as blameworthy conditions, mistakes, and suggestions for improvement is reported through the employee's Department Manager,  Safety Representative, or via Omega's tool for improvement, Improve. In addition, the contacts in Omega's Emergency Plan can be contacted when needed. 

Employees and consultants can also notify the elected representative on the work place, Safety Representative, HSE representatives.  

In addition, employees and consultants always have the right to notify supervisory authorities or other public authorities. Reporting to public authorities is considered to be an appropriate action to take. Examples of these authorities in Norway are The Labor Inspection Authority, The Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime, The Norwegian Tax Administration, The Competition Authority, The Data Protection Authority,The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision, and the Norwegian Environment Agency.

Whistleblowing via Omega's whistleblowing policy or through these channels will always be considered appropriate.