
Inside Omega

Pims Webinar from Calgary

On Wednesday February 24 at 12 pm UTC -7, our office in Calgary, Canada, invites you to join a live demonstration of Pims Document Control, where you will get to see some of the product’s newest features!

Image of 7 employees at Omega's office in Calgary, seated around a table.


    The webinar is free and will be held Wednesday February 24
    at 12 pm UTC -7.

  • 12:00 Omega introduction
  • 12:05 Pims Document Control Live demo
  • 12:25 QA

This Omega Webinar will provide you with a live demonstration of how Pims is being used by several of the world’s largest companies to solve many of their challenges regarding the reviewing and transmittal of documents, and the provision of timely and accurate dashboards for reporting purposes.

Don't miss out on this great learning opportunity, and please extend this invitation to colleagues who you think would also benefit from attending this free demo.

Register by following this link


  • New features including interactive dashboard
  • Ease of use
  • Online reviews with markups
  • Transmittals