
Inside Omega

Omega assessing welfare technology in the Haugaland region

IT Architects from Omega are assessing healthcare systems to strengthen the services within welfare technology. The company recently signed a contract with Haugaland Vekst IKS.

During the course of three months, the project will assess new functionalities within welfare technology in the ten Haugaland municipalities. From the left: IT architect in Omega IT Architects, Thomas Skjelde Økland, Project Mananger for welfare technology in Haugaland Vekst, Sturle J. Monstad, Project Manager in Omega IT Architects, Bjarne H. Gjellesvik, and IT and information consultant in Karmøy municipality, Arve Ubøe Rohde. (Photo: Omega IT Architects)

Omega’s subsidiary company, Omega IT Architects, started the project for Haugaland Vekst IKS on December 14. Through the course of three months, the company will map out the systems that ten municipalities on Haugalandet utilize in the health care sector. The documentation is part of a larger project within welfare technology at Haugaland Vekst IKS.

“This is a step towards further strengthening the welfare technology for elderly and those in need of care on Haugalandet,” says Bjarne Henrik Gjellesvik, Project Manager in Omega IT Architects.

“People get older and want to live longer at home. This project will be a part of the foundation that will strengthen the municipalities as they face an eldering population by showing optimal usage of welfare technology. The goal is that elderly and those in need of care can live safe in their home and that the municipality develops its services to utilize resources in the best possible way,” explains Gjellesvik.

Better services

Welfare Technology

  • A collective term for many different technologies.
  • First and foremost, technological assistance which contributes to increased safety, social participation and cultural activities, and strengthens the individual’s ability to manage on their own in everyday life despite sickness, social, mental or physical disabilities.
  • Welfare technology can also function as technological support for dependents and otherwise contribute to bettering accessibility, use of resources and quality of the service.
  • Welfare technology solutions can in many cases prevent the need for services or admission to an institution.
  • Video communication and safety alarms are examples of welfare technology. 
  • (Source: Norwegian Directorate of Health and NOU 2011: Innovation in health care)

The ten municipalities cooperate on introducing welfare technology in the region. The project is initiated by the regional council, Haugaland Vekst, which cooperates closely with user representatives, the Centre for Development of Institutional and Home Care Services (USHT), the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Helse Fonna, and FOUSAM (FOU entity for interaction).

Today, there are three different systems used in the municipalities. The goal with the project is to map out how the systems are used, what functionalities are available, and what the planned development from the suppliers will look like.

“We will further identify the possibilities of utilizing new functionalities within welfare technology. As a result of this project, the Haugaland municipalities will have a better base for introducing and coordinating welfare technology across municipal borders,” says Gjellesvik.

Competency from the industry

Gjellesvik explains further that Omega IT Architects mainly have delivered services to clients within the industry and energy sectors and the contract with Haugaland Vekst is a future-oriented step into a new sector.

“Gaining entrance into the healthcare sector is important to us. This gives us a starting point within a market where there will be several new projects surrounding welfare technology and e-health in the years to come. The contract with Haugaland Vekst IKS has given us a very exciting project to start with, and we can see that our IT competency from the oil and gas industry is useful here,” says Gjellesvik.