
Inside Omega

Increasing levels of competency with Advantage 

Many of Omega’s employees have joined the team buildings, taken advantage of the company’s cabins and apartments, attended sport events and experienced artists an bands on their concert tours. All costs are covered using the Advantage points that each individual employee has earned. What few may know is that one can also use the Advantage points for gaining more knowledge; CFO Kjell Tore Helgeland takes a favourable stand towards this offer. 

- As a company that prides itself on high levels of competency, we see the value in our employees gaining relevant knowledge and experience within their respective areas of expertise. In these times of lower activity in the oil and gas business, maybe the time can be used to increase the level of competency, suggests Helgeland. 

Must be of relevance 

High costs of continued post secondary education may be an obstacle for embarking on further studies; by offering the use of Advantage points to cover the costs Helgeland hopes more employees will consider gaining extra competency. 

- The courses or studies an employee wishes to undertake must be relevance for the tasks they face when working in Omega or with our clients. If they are applicable, Advantage points may be used as a contribution to cover the costs for further courses or studies, and for books and exam fees, says the chief financial officer. 

Completing Master thesis at UiS 

- I recommend everyone to consider boosting their competency level, and Omega’s arrangement for covering costs with Advantage points is a great offer. I have taken advantage of this opportunity to study at the University of Stavanger (UiS), and I am now completing my Master thesis, explains Tor-Martin Kvalsund. 

Caption / Bildetekst

Tor-Martin Kvalsund was a certified automation technician and an automation engineer. He was hired as an Interface Coordinator on Statoil’s Valemon project, and after short time he received an offer of taking the position as Interface & Change Manager, which his manager previously occupied but left for another position in the company. 

- I have worked a lot with managing systems within alimentary, commercializing of new technology within water treatment and environmental technology, and with a field expansion in an international and multicultural project, which was something entirely new to me. Increasing my competency led me to gain a better and deeper understanding, and made me better equipped to contribute to an effective project completion. 

The perfect solution 

The possibility of completing studies at the University of Stavanger and the offer of getting the costs covered by using the Advantage points was a perfect solution for Kvalsund. - The Advantage offer and the support from Omega, and of course, my department manager, Vibeke Monsen Snarberg, have all continuously motivated me and been a good backup, says Tor-Martin Kvalsund, who is contemplating taking courses on Risk and Operation Management if the opportunity presents itself. 

The Valemon project is now completed, and for the time being, Tor-Marting Kvalsund can concentrate fully on completing his Masters thesis, which is due May 15. of this year.