
Inside Omega

Omega 2011 summary

Published: 22.12.11

2011 has been an exciting year for Omega, with many events and achievements worth revisiting. Here, we give you the highlights of the Omega year in our 2011 summary.

HSE: Always first priority


Jorunn Wathne is Omega's new AKAN representative.

As always, health, safety and environment has been first on the agenda for Omega in 2011. As an Inclusive Workplace our goal is to reduce sick leave and offer a workplace that allows all employees who want to and are able to work, the opportunity to work. In 2011, Omega has maintained a low sick leave rate of 2.2 per cent.

In order to raise our HSE profile and overall competence in the area, Omega developed its own HSE course for all employees this year. Thirty-eight team members have completed the 40-hour course so far, which will be offered again in 2012.

Jorunn Wathne took on the role of AKAN representative at Omega. Through AKAN (the resource center for substance abuse and addiction), Managers at Omega are offered guidance regarding how to handle substance abuse problems effecting employees or colleagues.

Growth: 150 new team members


Pablo Tveita and Rita Arntsen joined Omega's Management team in Ølensvåg and Bergen respectively.

Omega has experienced steady employee growth throughout 2011. We started the year with 745 team members and passed 900 employees in December.

As a result of this growth, Omega’s Management team has expanded at several of Omega’s offices. In September Pablo Tveita and Rita Arntsen joined the management team at offices in Ølensvåg and Bergen respectively. In June Anne Beato became our first Consultant Manager in Houston.

New Consultant Managers will join the Omega team in 2012 at offices in Stavanger, Oslo and Ølensvåg.

Jobs: Makes it work for you


With a few clicks you can sign up for Omega's Job Alerts - emails featuring jobs matching your preferred disciplines and regions.

Many job seekers have detected the possibilities presented by Omega’s job portal, Jobs, which now averages over 1500 pageviews daily. has been updated this year with improved search functionality.

Our Job Alerts service has been improved making it possible for you to optimize your subscription by choosing both your preferred regions and disciplines. In this way, you can receive Job Alerts matching your exact preferences when jobs are published on

Omega recently updated its CV application in order to help employees and candidates optimize their CV by following Omega's CV set up and guidelines.

Media: On screen and in print

See Omega featured on TV.

Omega made its television debut this year. From the head office in Ølensvåg, founder Sigmund Lunde told Norwegian Broadcasting’s regional channel in Rogaland the Omega story on 1 July.

The Norwegian Technical Review provided the Omega story plenty of space in their six-page article on business in the Vindafjord municipality, published in September.

Earlier this year Lunde’s story was also featured in Haugesunds Avis ahead of the Regional Business Conference in Haugesund where Lunde was one of the main speakers.

At the end of the year Norwegian Financial Review stopped by Ølensvåg for a report on business life here. Omega was once again represented.

Advantage: Hundreds of teambuilders

In 2011 Advantage has expanded its Accommodation offer with new cabins at Hovden and Vrådal, in Norway. We now offer 25 vacations houses in Norway and abroad.

Several hundred Omega employees took part in Advantage teambuildings this year. The Advantage year started with a double sports weekend in March: 80 ski enthusiasts enjoyed Norway's gold rush at the Ski Championships in Holmenkollen, Oslo, while 40 football fans saw home team Liverpool and arch rivals Manchester United clash at Anfield.

The next teambuilding kicked off inBarcelona in June, before Omega moved on to Nice in September. Employees of Omega Singapore and Omega Australia met for the first time at their own teambuilding in the Philippines in November. The final international trip of the year was to Copenhagen; along with our Voss teambuilding in February 2012, the Copenhagen Teambuilding replaces Omega’s traditional Christmas party.

Project Services frame agreements: New clients


Consultant Manager, Camilla Berg, and Omega CEO, Petter Aalvik, sign a new frame agreement with Statoil.

Omega secured five new frame agreements with both existing and new clients in 2011. The first contract was signed in June as Statoil awarded Omega a three-year frame agreement for technical consultancy services. In July, Omega signed a new frame agreement with Det norske.

Two new frame agreements followed with clients outside the oil and energy sector: The Norwegian National Rail Administration awarded Omega a two-year frame agreement in August. In October, Omega secured a new two-year agreement with the Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

A/S Norske Shell signed a three-year frame agreement with Omega in November including technical consultancy services.

Systems: High activity


Omega UAB Lithuania secured its biggest contract to date in 2011.

2011 was a busy year for Omega's System Developer team in Norway with market-leading Pims Risk, a Pims CMS breakthrough with ConocoPhillips and a number of other development projects presenting opportunities for Omega. To meet the increasing activity Omega is looking for new software developers for our offices in Oslo, Stavanger and Ølensvåg.

On 1 November, Omega Project Systems Manager Karl Inge Halleraker stepped into Lundin as Pims coordinator in the Swedish operator company.

Omnicom and Omnisafe has secured new clients and entered new markets in 2011. Omnisafe is focusing on strengthening its footing in the shipping market, and Omega signed one of its biggest Omnicom contracts to date with British power distributor, UK Power Networks, this fall.

Omega UAB in Lithuania secured its largest contract to date this year and will be delivering its services to Klaipeda Waste Management. The new system will have hundreds of thousands of users in Klaipeda in Lithuania.

Omega's team in Canada have entered in to a global Pims CMS-agreement with Hatch, including a large number of projects in the months to come. Omega's clients in Canada include Devon and COSL, and more recently OSUM.

International: Expanding Management teams


Anne Beato, Dana Zera and Michelle Kyle of Omega Houston accept the Fast Tech 50 award.

This year, Omniware Australia became Omega Australia. General Manager at our Perth office, Shane Butt, established a strong management team including Trevor Laffrey, Andrew Wooding, Peter Butt, Thomas Sundsøy and Sally Han. Omega Australia has delivered both Omniware and Pims services to a broad client base this year and several agreements have been secured with clients including Worley Parsons, FMG, and Atlas Iron Limited.

Omega Singapore has doubled its Management team with Lasse Norevik becoming a Manager in October. Former Singapore Manager, Kjell Åge Iversen, will still be a part of the Management team, whilst also working on assignment for ConocoPhillips.

Anne Beato became Omega's first Consultants Manager in Omega Houston in June and will be key player in Omega recruitment in the US market.

Omega PS was one of fifty companies ranked as the fastest growing Houston technology companies in business magazine, Houston Business Journal’s, annual pole. Omega Houston's President, Øyvind Vik, accepted the award. This is the third time Omega Houston has been honored with a ranking on one of the magazine's business poles this year.

Omega Connected


Karl Berge is Omega's Improve coordinator.

In April, Omega introduced its new Intranet Portal. On Connect team members can find all of the applications they need, with timesheets, Advantage Events, Accommodation, email, TeamDocuments and InsideOmega all accessible in one place.

Omega launched Improve in May; Improve is a channel for suggested improvements to Omega's systems and procedures. At the receiving end of the service is an Improve team who action the suggestions, led by Omega’s Improve coordinator Karl Berge.

In August Omega presented its new version of TeamDocuments. TeamDocuments has received a solid facelift, with significant improvements to usability.

This year, Omega also started offering its own training courses. Courses has, thus far, offered tailor-made Pims courses in several modules; 38 employees have participated in an Omega training course so far this 2011.