
Inside Omega

A compassionate co-worker in the Norwegian oil company, Det norske:

Old t-shirts were given new meaning

This article about Omega employee Haldis Særstens’ project in Cambodia is written by communications advisor, Ingvar Solberg, from Det Norske, and was first published on their intranet.

Haldis is back from yet another trip to Cambodia; she has, since 2008, directed an impressive project aimed to help others in need. Today, 47 children are in school and many struggling families have received better living conditions thanks to Haldis’ efforts.


It all started after a trip to Cambodia in 2008. Through some of her contacts Haldis became a sponsor for a little girl who was unable to attend school due to the economic situation of her family Back home in Norway, Haldis gained the support of 21 colleagues, and this marked the start of the project. There have been many trips to Cambodia since then, and today Haldis and her fellow sponsors pay the tuition of 43 girls and 4 boys.

- Some of the children struggle with disabilities, and some come from very poor families where paying tuition is not an option. Most of these children come from a small fishing village, located right outside the city Sihanoukville. We help them to focus on their education and guide them to self-help. Many of the children live with their grandparents, neighbours or other relatives, says Haldis Særsten, who works in the contract department at the Norwegian oil company, Det norske in Stavanger.

Renting help

Haldis has arranged for local help and coordination, for which she pays the monthly sum of $60.

- Ra is one of the locals there, which I trust. He knows all the families and makes sure that tuition is paid and follows up with the children. We carefully monitor the transfer of money, and that no one else in the project receives economic support. This way, a limited amount goes to the administration and we pay all the expenses and travels out of our own pocket, Haldis explains. She adds that some of the families that are in dire conditions may receive additional support.

10 hens and one rooster

Haldis lights up and is passionate when she talks about her project. Now, she is back at work in Stavanger and tells others of smart and direct ways to help others, which improves the lives of so many.

She explains:
- We managed to connect the pipes and plumbing so that the school received clean drinking water for the first time. We bought several books, among them were educational books, song books and dictionaries, and we were also able to set up solar panels for families that did not have any electricity, says an enthusiastic Haldis before she proceeds to tell a funny story about how several families receive hens but they all have to share the rooster.

Pens and t-shirts

Facts about ALMA-M

  • The group that Haldis founded has the goal of creating better conditions for growing up and for the future for girls, who stand as the weakest in Cambodian society
  • The group call themselves ALMA-M (which is Latin for development, education, support and care)
  • Funding comes from 35 sponsors that each give NOK 100,- monthly and from selling goods from Cambodia (silk scarfs, jewellery, hand bags and other merchandise from local sewing practices and products that friends and family knit, crochet, etc.)
  • ALMA-A is registered in Brønnøysund: NO996835723 and has a regular accountant.
  • - Contact me if you want more information, says Haldis Særsten. Phone: 48128705

After Det norske bought Marathon Oil in Stavanger, the communications department had a number of leftover PR material; Haldis received several hundred pens with the Marathon logo and t-shirts with the slogan ”Will to win”.

- Yes, these were very popular. I told them that the slogan means ”I am a winner” which was something they were excited about. Now, the whole school has pens, says Haldis smiling.

In addition to this, Haldis and her coworkers managed to do the following:

- A young girl with poliomyelitis got a sewing machine and equipment to start her own sewing practice. She also received 50 meters of fabric that will be used for school uniforms for the children.
 - Gave ten of the oldest students extra courses in IT
- Paid a rent subsidy for a mother with nine children
- Set up a rack to sundry salted and spiced fish to sell on the market
 - Paid for extra education in English language