
Inside Omega

Omega named company of the year at local conference

Omega was voted company of the year at the local business conference, NæringsGIV, in Etne and Vindafjord where the company's headquarters are located. Omega was awarded the NæringsGIV prize for a successful turnaround during the oil crisis and success the past years.

Department manager in Omega's consultancy department, Johannes Eide, accepted the prize on behalf of Omega.

The jury's verdict:

The company of the year has really experienced a downfall. The company got a painfull downturn during the oil crisis in 2016, which led to brutal rounds of downzising and a serious financial loss. As a consequence of the crisis the company has shown a willingness to adapt that match no other. Despite dark clouds on the horizon, this years' winner embarked on developing new services and products, at the same time as they focused their traditional core services towards new sectors.

The turnaround operation has been exeptionally successful, and has taken the company to new heights.

From being a company that mainly delivered services to the oil and gas sector, the company has for the past few years worked to achieve a sizable position as supplier to the Norwegian construction sector among others. One of the company's latest innovations has become an important tool to aid the work against social dumping and work-related crime for both public departments and large building contractors. The company has now approximately 1400 employees across the world, and yet the company has been true to their local roots; with several and increasingly bigger branch offices in metropoles across the world, the company has also chosen to invest and expand its headquarters in Vindafjord.

The company of the year is Omega.